Monday, March 23, 2015


Spiritual thought:
How can obedience help us in life?
Because it brings blessings from a loving Father in Heaven

Sometimes, we think of the 10 commandments as something over and done with.  We learn from modern day prophets that they are more important than we sometimes acknowledge.  God gives us commandments to make us happy and to help us be free!  As we live them willingly, we will be able to find our way to a more abundant life.

“Sin will always be sin. Disobedience to the Lord's commandments will always deprive us of His blessings. The world changes constantly and dramatically, but God, His commandments, and promised blessings do not change. They are immutable and unchanging,”  ~Elder L. Tom Perry

Elder Brown takes a video of an epic wave.

We only got 1 new investigator this week, but what can you do. The Lord can only bless us as much as we and the people allow. 

We had a couple of cool miracles though. One was bumping into a Fijian couple who we had met weeks ago, and set an appointment with, but they couldn't come and then we lost contact, etc. Turns out they live with a bunch of other people who aren't very reliable and they had only given us their home phone (because they didn't know their mobile number yet.) We had specifically planned to try and contact them one last time, and we prayed that we would be able to see them again. We went to knock on their place, but they weren't in. The next day we were knocking elsewhere, and they saw us and said hello and we gave them are number and they said they would call us soon. And the next day Elder Kastner and Elder Heninger saw them in the street on exchange! I hope that they are able to meet soon. 

Elder Brown out delivering British Mothers day flowers 

We had a good number of lessons and it really was a good week to end the transfer on. Turns out I am moving already! It came as a absolute shock to me, I really thought I would be here for one more, but apparently I am meant to be Zone Leader in the Wandsworth Zone in central London. The only zone leaders without a car! Go Figure! LOL I don't mind, at least I won't gain to much weight there!

Elder Kastner delivery British Mothers day flowers

Love you all to bits!!!! 
Elder Brown

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