Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Angels still sing "peace on Earth."

The season of the Saviour's birth is a time to rejoice.

The Christmas season is truly a time of joy and good will.  It's amazing to see how family and friends come together, how people are kinder, and how our countenances change because of an event that happened so many years ago.  The Spirit that accompanied the birth of our Saviour still rings in the hearts of those willing to hear it.

"And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
--- Luke 2:13-14

This week was really good. We had a lot of cool miracles and have had great success from our efforts, especially with some of our investigators.

 I brought Elder Kroch to my area for exchange from Monday evening to Tuesday evening. We had a great exchange, full of miracles and good finding opportunities as well as 3 member present lessons. On Tuesday we wrapped up a Book of Mormon at lunch and prayed for a miracle to be able to give it to someone who would be interested in learning of the gospel. We then went out to work. We knocked a close, which is like a cul-de-sac, and spoke to everyone about Christmas and told them that we were looking for someone who would accept a special Christmas gift from us. We had a few good conversations, but no one was interested for the first few doors, but as we came up to the next door, a car pulled up and so we decided to speak to the young mother when she stepped out of the car. Her name was Julie. As we spoke about the true meaning of Christmas, you could see that she was appreciative of the work we do. We asked her if we could come back and arranged to see her the next evening. We gave her the wrapped Book of Mormon, and her eyes lit up as she said thank-you to us. Then at the end of the day we asked our ward mission leader if he could come with us as, she is recently divorced and we would be unable to come into her home on our own. Although he had very little advanced warning, he accepted and the teach on Wednesday night went very well. She expressed that she has had a goal of helping others more. She talked about the things she wished she could do more, and began to list off all the things the Relief Society does. Brother Jubb (our Ward Mission leader) Myself and Elder Simpson all just look at each other gave a little chuckle and turned back to her and explained about the relief society! It was so cool.  It was one of the most powerful lessons I have had in a while. She couldn't come to church and had to cancel our appointment on Friday night because her son is sick, but I think she is still interested and wants to continue meeting with us.

The rest of the week was good as well. We had our temple trip on Thursday, which I thoroughly enjoyed! President Millar said something really cool about Christmas day and how we as missionaries should not use it as a day off. He said that "if they are out, they need us." That really hit home for all of us. My district and I are planning to all spend some time on Christmas morning, first thing going out and helping, serving, and comforting those who don't have anyone to be with at Christmas. We plan on bringing a thermos of hot chocolate and paper cups as well as wrapped Book of Mormons and a few other little homemade gifts from members if they decide to help.

I am excited to work next week. We are going to do the right and left game as part of district meeting on Tuesday! and we have really good plans for the days up until boxing day. We have nothing arranged for boxing day at all, but we will be seeking for revelation on what to do to be most productive. Hopefully all works out!

Love you all!
Have a wonderful Christmas week! I will speak to you Christmas morning (3 Pm 
my time) LOVE YOU!!! BYE
Elder Brown

Pictures taken on Friday when we made and delivered doughnuts!

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